Lesson Plan

  1. Instructions
  2. 1) Get a flash card that Ella has made
  3. 2) Turn over the card and add your name so she knows who to thank
  4. 3) If you need to ask a parent to help you look up a fact about the animal
  5. 4) Fill out the back of the card with the new fact
  6. 5) Give your card to one of the volunteers at OurCo.de!
  7. 6) Ask them if you can help to upload the data to the server so Ella can get it to test
  1. Sample Flashcard
  2. What Animal am I?

    • Has Black skin
    • Its fur is hollow
    • Largly lives within the Arctic Circle
    • Males can weigh up to 1,500 lbs

    Polar Bear

    Polar Bear